Tracking your order

Tracking My Order
Tracking your order progress has never been easier.
There is a "Track My Order" tab located on the top right hand side and the bottom left side of the home page, or you can click here to go there now.

Simply fill in the following data to receive up to the minute tracking data of your order.
Order email: This is the email address you use when ordering goods
Order ID: This is your order number displayed upon checkout and also provided to you via an email confirmation. If you have forgotten or misplaced your order ID you can retrieve it by logging into your account via the home page.. Coincidentally, this feature also allows you to edit your account info,check on back orders, reprint invoices, refill and previous order and a range of other useful features.
Order Ship To Post Code: This is the postcode where you specified your goods to be shipped.

Click here if you would like to log into your account.

Click here to track your order