Our Blog

Below is a list of our latest blog posts, enjoy!
10% increase to some products from the 1st of March 2020
Author: Steve Ball Date Posted: 1 February 2020
Dear Red2Go customers, please be advised that there will be an increase of 10% for selected product pricing to take effect on March the 1st, 2020.
During the past 3 months Red2Go has experienced significant net cost increases due to exchange rates for imported products together with freight rate changes from our major carriers. Red2Go are committed to providing you with high quality products. We will not compromise our reputation or your expectations by distributing inferior components to absorb the cost increases. We have not experienced this level of cost price pressure since 2015, (see our blog entry below).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above cha...
New website lauch - Changes for Account customers
Author: Steve Ball Date Posted: 26 February 2015
This blog is aimed specifically at account customers of RED2GO.
The new website provides several new features that we believe will benefit your organsation greatly. First a little bit about the change over:
The new site is LIVE and available from Friday 27th March 2015
We have migrated your existing details (including any negotiated pricing) to the new site and this can be accessed using the "LOG IN" function on the home page Click here to view The username is your email address (The one that we have sent this email to) and the password is the ...
New website launch
Author: Steve Ball Date Posted: 25 February 2015
We are very pleased to announce that the new website WWW.RED2GO.COM.AU will be live from this Friday 27th March 2015.
We will be redirecting the old domain RED2GO.NET.AU to the new site, but it will be quicker if you save the new domain to your favorites.
So apart from the obvious .COM.AU domain what else is new?
The new site dramatically improves functionality and is easier to use, as well as allowing customers greater visibility of current and previous orders.
Although you are free to use the site and checkout without registering or creating a password, doing so will allow you to access yo...
Price adjustment on some items
Author: Steve Ball Date Posted: 18 February 2015
I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone who has been tracking the US$ rate against the Australian dollar,that things are rapidly becoming more expensive!
Red2go is not immune to these pressures as a large percentage of our inventory is paid for in US currency.
We strive to provide the greatest value and superior service to our loyal customers and this remains our core drivers in all decisions we make. Unfortunately,we are unable to sustain our current pricing across all of our products and will be making adjustments to the prices of some of our range effective the 1st of March 2015.
We will keep the price increases to a minimum and continue to refine ...